Sunday, June 22, 2014

Basic Classification Computer science

Basic Classification
Computer science is a discipline that encompasses a fairly broad branch of science, from basic theories problems to technological applications. The classification of Computer Science Dennings usually refer to the matrix, which is one of the classification matrix of Computer Science created by Peter J. Dennings [1] [2].
This classification is undergoing some refurbishment, where the latest version is the 1999 version [2] [3]. In the final version of the computer science is divided into 12 subfields (the previous version is 9 subfields). 12 subfields of Computer Science are:

Algoritma dan Struktur Data
(Algorithms and Data Structures)
Bahasa Pemrograman
(Programming Languages)
Sistem Operasi dan Jaringan
(Operating Systems and Networks)
Software Engineering
Database dan Sistim Retrieval Informasi
(Database and Information Retrieval Systems)
Artificial Intelligence dan Robotik
(Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)
Human Computer Interaction
Ilmu Komputasi
(Computational Sciences)
Organizational Informatics

Dennings give special note to the new field of bioinformatics as a field that is a combination of Computer Science and Biology, and is currently experiencing significant growth.
Then along with the increase of science and technology, there is a possibility of this matrix will have improved again in days to come. Rows in the matrix Denning describes the fields in computer science. While the columns of the matrix illustrates the paradigm of these areas, which is reflected in three ways: Theory (Theory), Abstract (Abstraction), and Design (Design).
• Theory: is based on a mathematical approach, whereby to obtain a valid theory, must go through the following processes:
1. Definition (definition)
2. Manufacture theorem (theorem)
3. Evidence (proof)
4. Penginterpretasian results (interpret result)
• Abstract or modeling (modeling), is based on scientific experimental method, in which the conduct invesitigasi against a phenomenon, must go through the following processes:
1. The hypothesis form (form a hypothesis)
2. Making a model and make predictions (a construct models and make a predition)
3. Designing experiments and collecting data (design an experiment and collect data)
4. Analyze the results (analyze results)
• Design: is based on pendekatann engineering (engineering), which at the time of designing a system or device to solve the problem, must go through the following processes:
1. Stated requirements (state requirements),
2. Stated specification (state specifications)
3. Undertake the design and implementation of the system (design and implement the system)
4. Conduct testing of the system (the system test)
From the above, we can understand that it is engaged in computer science research problems will be a lot to do with the first two columns of the matrix (Theory and Abstraction). While engaged in the more technical issues using engineering approach, will be more involved in the scope of the last two columns matrix (Abstraction and Design).
Classification of Computer Science
Summarize the complete classification of computer science by Matrix Denning 1999 version is as below. The author deliberately make improvements, translation, and the cutting, to further facilitate the understanding of the classification of the computer science.


Algoritma dan Struktur Data
Teori Komputabilitas
Algoritma Paralel dan Terdistribusi
Program Aplikasi

Teori Komputasi Kompleks

Komputasi Paralel
Algoritma Efisien dan Optimal

Teori Graf


Algoritma dan Teori Probabilistik

Bahasa Pemrograman
Bahasa Formal dan Automata
Bahasa Pemrograman

Turing Machines

Metode Parsing, Compiling, Interpretation

Formal Semantics
Translator, Kompiler, Interpreter

Aljabar Boolean
Arsitektur Nueman
Produk Hardware (PC, Superkomputer, Mesin Von Neumann)

Teori Coding
Hardware Reliability

Teori Switching
Finite State Machine
Sistem CAD dan Simulasi Logika

Teori Finite State Machine
Model Sirkuit, Data Path, Struktur Kontrol

Sistem Operasi dan Jaringan
Teori Concurrency
Manajemen Memori, Job Scheduling
Produk OS (UNIX, Windows, Mach, dsb)

Teori Scheduling
Model Komputer Terdistribusi
File dan File Sistem

Teori Manajemen Memori
Networking (Protokol, Naming, dsb)
Pustaka untuk Utilities (Editor, Formatter, Linker, dsb)

Software Engineering
Teori Reliability
Metode Spesifikasi
Bahasa Spesifikasi

Program Verification and Proof
Metode Otomatisasi Pengembangan Program
Metodologi Pengembangan Software

Temporal Logic
Tool Pengembangan Software
Tool untuk Pengembangan Software

Database dan Sistim Retrieval Informasi
Relational Aljabar dan Kalkulus
Data Model
Teknik Pendesainan Database (Relational, Hierarchical, Network, dsb)

Teori Dependency

Teori Concurrency
Skima Database
Teknik Pendesainan Database Sistem (Ingres, Dbase, Oracle, dsb)

Performance Analysis

Sorting dan Searching
Representasi File untu Retrieval
Hypertext System

Statistical Inference

Artificial Intelligence dan Robotik
Teori Logika
Knowledge Representation
Logic Programming (Prolog)

Semantik dan Sintatik Model untuk Natural Language
Metode Pencarian Heuristic
Neural Network

Conceptual Dependency
Model Reasoning dan Learning
Sistem Pakar

Kinematics and Dynamics of Robot Motion
Model Memori Manusia, Autonomous Learning
Teknik Pendesaian Software untuk Logic Programming

Teori Grafik dan Warna
Algoritma Komputer Grafik
Pustaka untuk Grafik

Geometri Dimensi Dua atau Lebih
Model untuk Virtual Reality
Grafik Standar

Teori Chaos
Metode Komputer Grafik
Image Enhacement System

Human Computer Interaction
Risk Analysis
Pattern Recognition
Flight Simulation

Cognitive Psychology
Sistem CAD
Usability Engineering

Ilmu Komputasi
Number Theory
Discrete Approximations, Fast Fourier Transform and Poisson Solvers
Pustaka dan Paket untuk Tool Penelitian (Chem, Macsyma, Mathematica, Maple, Reduce, dsb)

Binary Representation
Backward  Error Propagation

Teori Quantum
Finite Element Models,

Organizational Informatics
Organizational Science
Model dan Simlasi berhubungan dengan organizational informatics
Management Information Systems

Decision Support Systems

Decision Sciences

Organizational Dynamics

Teori Komputasi
Model Komputasi DNA Kimia
Organic Memory Devices

Ilmu Biologi
Protipe Retina dari Silikon
Proyek Database Genom Manusia

Model Database Genom Manusia
Analisa Komputer Terhadap Struktur Enzim untuk Kesehatan

ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) Association for Computing Machinary (ACM) as a scientific association in the world's oldest computer field also devised a classification system for the field of computing (computing), which is known as the ACM Computing Classification System (CSS). ACM Computing Classification System is divided into three levels, which is similar to the preparation system to the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DCC) which is currently used as a standard preparation of the catalog of books in libraries. This classification system is divided into three, based on years of issuance. Detailed classification is as below.
 1. Classification System 1998
2. Classification System 1991
 3. Classification System 1964

  1. Peter Denning, et al., "Computing as a Discipline," Communications of ACM, 32, 1 (January), 9-23, 1989.
  2. Peter Denning, "Computer Science: the Discipline," In Encyclopedia of Computer Science (A. Ralston and D. Hemmendinger, Eds), 1999.
  3. A. Tucker, Jr. and P. Wegner, "Computer Science and Engineering: the Discipline and Its Impact," In Handbook of Computer Science and Engineering, CRC Press, Chapter 1, 1996.

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